Tuesday, March 16, 2021

How To Avoid A Climate Disaster


How To Avoid A Climate Disaster is the latest book by Bill Gates. The book was published recently in 2021 by Penguin Random House and as the title suggests, the book is about Climate Change and ways to tackle this problem. The book is dedicated to scientists, innovators and activists who are the leading the charge on Climate Change. The author, Bill Gates needs no introductions here, as he is one of the finest and smartest innovators and entrepreneurs the world has ever known. 

Netflix has a documentary series on Bill Gates, Inside Bill’s Brain : Decoding Bill Gates. I enjoyed this documentary as much which is in three parts and gives excellent insights into the person we know as founder of Microsoft. Its a three part documentary series, with the last part devoted to his work on Climate Change so watch it if you have a subscription to Netflix. 

As Climate Change has become a front and center issue that is impacting the world and mankind, I have taken the liberty to capitalise the words ‘Climate Change’ in this review. 

The book provides a very succinct and impactful way for most people to understand and appreciate this problem of ‘Climate Change’. Bill’s book also demonstrates how complex this problem is and highlights that multiple approaches are needed to tackle the issue of Climate Change and carbon emissions. I would say whilst I have more than a rudimentary understanding of the energy industry, fossil fuels, carbon emissions and Climate Change, I found the book useful and very well organised. 

To set the stage, Bill uses a binary concept. Binary concepts I guess come naturally to people in the world of technology. The binary here is 51 Billion and Zero. 51 Billion Tons are the annual emission of Greenhouse gases and zero is the target for mankind to ensure we can preserve planet Earth. This book talks about the path from 51 billion to zero and the challenges that come along the way. 

The fossil fuel industry is all pervasive and carbon emission has been a by-product of the steep development of mankind since the advent of the industrial revolution. In today’s world, fossil fuels have been badly maligned and maybe for some good reasons. But for people reading this review, they need to bear in mind that this explosive growth in human lifestyle, comfort and the uplifting of billions of people out of abject poverty has been a direct consequence of man’s ability to harness the energy from below the earth’s surface. 

However, we are now at a very clear cross road in human development. Continued emission of carbon will endanger the planet. I am not climate scientist and neither is Bill (he states that clearly in his book) but the overwhelming view of the scientific community is that Climate Change and carbon emissions are directly linked and we are on a non - sustainable path. Getting to zero and within a few decades is imperative and this is the core of the book. 

Carbon is being emitted all around us. At times, we are consciously aware when carbon is being emitted but in most cases, we are completely oblivious to this. To set the stage, define the problem and establish clear thought provoking buckets in the mind of the reader, the book has classified five areas that constitute key carbon emission clusters. A chapter has been dedicated to each of these namely (i) generation of electricity (ii) manufacturing of goods especially heavy industry (iii) agriculture (iv) mobility and transportation (v) heating and cooling of homes, offices and other buildings. 

Once the book has identified the key determinants of carbon emission, it focusses on potential solutions. I wont get into the specifics as it would be better to get that by reading the book. Some of the key conclusions are; its not going to be a single solution that will get us to zero. We have to tackle this problem from all angles with multiple minds and inter disciplinary best practices. This I feel is a very enlightened view to solving this problem. 

I have seen people suggesting ideas that seem to focus on a ‘home run’ approach. Unfortunately, the energy industry is not the technology industry where a ‘killer app’ that solves all problems, a one stop shop solution will just not work. For example, the future power generation grid needs to involve methods that don't generate carbon like solar but also involve carbon capture techniques for those that do emit carbon. Similarly, solutions need to encompass both centralised as well as decentralised power generation capability. And when it comes to power, Bill Gates has made the case for nuclear generation, which is a very controversial topic and elicits many polarised views from all quarters but the arguments made for it make it a worthy read. 

The book has also devoted chapters to adaptation strategies around a warmer world with a more severe climate and the importance of government regulation, involvement and encouragement. The role of governments (Federal, State, Local and City) cannot be deemphasised when it comes to tackling a monstrous problem like Climate Change. 

Can we get to zero is the big question? Is that possible? Can we be optimistic about it and in what time frame and what investment is needed to get there? The book does address each of these questions. Finally the book ends with a chapter on Covid and what are the learnings from Covid that can be transplanted when it comes to Climate Change. There are interesting parallels and lessons although on the surface it looks like there is not much in common between these two problems. 

Bill Gates has made a phenomenal impact on all our lives. Microsoft has become synonymous with technology and computers and has altered our lives permanently. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a path breaker in the world of philanthropy. So when a book is written by Bill Gates on a existential issue like Climate Change, I decided to read it. This is a good book no doubt. Its succinct, solution oriented and pragmatic. It also dispels a lot of myths and preconceived notions around Climate Change and gives the reader a more analytical and fact based framework to view the problem of Climate Change. Go ahead and read it! 


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